Hospitals and Clinics in Austria
Treatment in Austria , Vienna - medical capital of Europe , Treatment in Vienna
Find here the list of hospitals, medical centers as well as health and spa hotels in Austria, with relevant information about procedures, location, contact information, photos and more.
Austrians enjoy an excellent standard of care, and foreigners from around the world have been travelling to Austria for many years to access advanced medical treatments and services.
Austria is a very well developed nation in terms of health tourism services customized for international patients. Due to the fact that medicine in this country is well invested, hospitals and clinics are equipped with high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, and doctors are well trained and highly qualified. A typical hospital in Austria boasts of state of the art technology and modern facilities. The European Health Consumer Index ranked Austria as Europe’s most consumer-friendly health care system in 2007, in the top three in 2008 and fourth in 2009.
Health tourism in Austria is also known for its holistic and wellness clinics. There are natural mineral spas and rehabilitation centers.
In Austria, people go to medical-tourist purposes, because it's a country where patient can get early diagnosis, quality efficient treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases, as well as admiring the magnificent architecture, landscape and alpine scenery.
Not surprisingly, even the heads of foreign states and high-ranking members of royal families from around the world regularly come to Austria to use high-quality Austrian medicine.
Austrian hospitals are well known all over the world for efficiency and competitive prices. Hospital standards are considered one of the highest in Europe, waiting times are low and emergency procedures quick to resolve.
Austrians enjoy an excellent standard of care, and foreigners from around the world have been travelling to Austria for many years to access advanced medical treatments and services.
Austria is a very well developed nation in terms of health tourism services customized for international patients. Due to the fact that medicine in this country is well invested, hospitals and clinics are equipped with high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, and doctors are well trained and highly qualified. A typical hospital in Austria boasts of state of the art technology and modern facilities. The European Health Consumer Index ranked Austria as Europe’s most consumer-friendly health care system in 2007, in the top three in 2008 and fourth in 2009.
Health tourism in Austria is also known for its holistic and wellness clinics. There are natural mineral spas and rehabilitation centers.
In Austria, people go to medical-tourist purposes, because it's a country where patient can get early diagnosis, quality efficient treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases, as well as admiring the magnificent architecture, landscape and alpine scenery.
Not surprisingly, even the heads of foreign states and high-ranking members of royal families from around the world regularly come to Austria to use high-quality Austrian medicine.
Austrian hospitals are well known all over the world for efficiency and competitive prices. Hospital standards are considered one of the highest in Europe, waiting times are low and emergency procedures quick to resolve.